Donate To Hands4Uganda

Donation Information

This form can be used for any donation to Hands4Uganda. If you are sponsoring a child, please check the recurring donation button and enter the name of the child you wish to sponsor. For other donations, please use the comment box to indicate where  you wish the donation to go

 Sponsorship Options:

  • $30 Monthly (Tution)
  • $360 Yearly (Tuition)
  • $50 Monthly  (Tuition + $20 per month for food for the family)
  • $600 Yearly (Tuition + $20 per month for food for the family)

Contact Information


Donation in Memory or Honor of  Someone

If this donation is in honor or in memory of someone, please fill in the following section. Include the name of the person(s) who should  be notified of this donation. 


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If you would like to create an account, please enter information here. Opening an account will allow you to update or change information and view all your donations.

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